the sting of the wasp
the sting of the wasp
_POTD_SUBON17-05-2012 23:10

JG300-Ascout - 24-06-2012 11:38  
Can you, like, change spark plugs from the cockpit and stuff? Laughing
JG300-Stoopy - 24-06-2012 16:18  
WOW. That is an absolutely exquisite GeeBee. Is it just for Prepar3D?

Very nice!

Freiherr_Kiefer - 24-06-2012 22:37  
That is Alphasim's GeeBee for FSX, as you can see works well in Prepar3D
sven_c - 14-08-2012 18:56  
sting of a wasp? this might be a special Gee Bee used for scaring crowds with machine guns Laughing Laughing